Just to elaborate on the specifics of the Publication system:
When a user joins OpenPaper Elite (which works now, by the way), they immediately get access to zero ads, the checkmark, and our Elite Publication System. This publication system relies on the blockchain to store infinite user-uploaded data.
Yes, infinite data. Every user is restricted to uploading a maximum of 31 gigabytes per file, but they can upload separate files of 31 gigabytes each and link them together using the Publication hashmap.
The hashmap allows users to pick a cipher, a chain algorithm, and an encoding system. Here's the schema:
1) You upload a 31 gigabyte file. It is hypothetically the first 100 minutes of a video.
2) You upload your next 31 gigabyte file. It holds the next and possibly last 100 minutes of a video.
3) The first video has a hash based on your user ID, timestamp, size, and upload location.
4) The second video has the same hash, but you hash it based on the previous hash and the new timestamp. Then, the time elapsed between the uploads is logged and the files are linked.
5) You can view this map on the publication home.
More stuff coming soon,